Michael and Peishan, July 10th, 2005

Getting Ready
Wedding Ceremony
The Party

Getting Ready - The Girls (and 1 boy) Getting Ready

The photos here were taken inside Searles Castle. The photographer came early to photograph the process of us getting ready while being quite giddy (maybe that's just me...) and sometimes, teary.


Liz, getting ready.

Me trying on my chi-pao (traditional dress).

Time to get ready.
Mom was helping me put on my something old - the pearl necklace from my late grandmother.

Alicia, my younger sister, the maid of honor.


Alicia, Sandie, and me. The sisters.

With the two mothers.

The bouquet.

All sisters now.

The one boy, my brother who was allowed into the girls' quarter (to run errands for us).

All set and ready to go.